create table T_table nologging as select * from dba_objects;
create table t_table_1 nologging as select * from dba_tables;
create materialized view log on T_table with rowid ,sequence(object_name,object_type,owner) including new values;
create materialized view log on t_table_1 with rowid,sequence(table_name) including new values;
create materialized view mv_t_table nologging
refresh fast on demand
with rowid
START WITH TO_DATE('21-08-2017 10:09:08', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') NEXT SYSDATE + 1/(24*60)
as select count(*),a.object_type,a.owner from T_table a,t_table_1 b where a.object_name=b.table_name
group by a.object_type,a.owner
select * from mv_t_table where owner='SYSTEM';
delete from t_table where owner='SYSTEM';
insert into t_table select * from dba_objects where owner='SYSTEM';
select a.name, b.value from v$statname a, v$mystat b where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and a.name = 'redo size';
SELECT owner,mview_name,last_refresh_scn,last_refresh_date,query,REVISION FROM dba_mview_analysis WHERE owner='UTF32';
select * from MLOG$_T_TABLE
select * from MLOG$_T_TABLE_1;
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