本篇内容主要讲解“JMeter 2.6有什么新功能”,感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习“JMeter 2.6有什么新功能”吧!
JMeter 2.6 发布了,该版本要求 Java 5 的环境。2.6 版本包含众多改进:
外观主题增加 CrossPlatform
Functionality to search by keyword in Samplers Tree View
Improve HTTP Request GUI to better show parameters without name (GWT RPC request or SOAP request for example)
Allow multiple selection in arguments panel
Allow to add (paste) entries from the clipboard to an arguments list
Ability to move variables up or down in HTTP Request
Better support for file: protocol in HTTP sampler
Retrieve embedded resources with file: protocol
Enable "ignore failed" for embedded resources
Parent success with a embedded resource failed
Add option to TableVisualiser to display child samples instead of parent
Allowing multiple certificates (JKS)
Some improvements on Aggregate Graph Listener:
new GUI for settings
dynamic graph size
allow to change fonts for title graph and legend
allow to change bar color (background and text values)
allow to draw or not bars outlines
allow to select only some samplers by a regexp filter
allow to define Y axis maximum scale
Aggregate Graph bar
Add an option to reset counter on each Thread Group iteration
Add a new function __RandomString to generate random Strings
Add a new function __TestPlanName returning the name of the current "Test Plan"
Add a new function __machineIP returning IP address
Add a new function __jexl2 to support Jexl2
Add a comment field in User Defined Variables
Allow to add (paste) entries from the clipboard to an arguments list
Ability to move up or down variables in User Defined Variables
In View Results Tree rather than showing just a message if the results are to big, show as much of the result as are configured
Add ability to Change Controller elements
Add JDBC pre- and post-processor
Allow to set the transaction isolation in the JDBC Connection Configuration
Add a Poisson based timer
Support for file Drag and Drop.
Add a dialog box to confirm removing the element(s) when Remove action is called
The dialogue can be skipped by setting the JMeter property confirm.delete.skip=true
Use external store to hold samples during distributed testing, Added DiskStore remote sample sender: like Hold, but saves samples to disk until end of test
With JMS Subscriber, ability to use Selectors
A new Log Viewer has been added to the GUI and can be enabled from menu Options > Log Viewer:
This Log Viewer shows the jmeter.log file, and useful (for example) to debug BeanShell/BSF scripts:
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