1. 飘字问题:飘字会有Alpha的渐变,当渐变到0的时候,会触发UIPanel的Rebuild
public UIDrawCall FindDrawCall (UIWidget w) { Material mat = w.material; Texture tex = w.mainTexture; int depth = w.depth; for (int i = 0; i < drawCalls.Count; ++i) { UIDrawCall dc = drawCalls[i]; int dcStart = (i == 0) ? int.MinValue : drawCalls[i - 1].depthEnd + 1; int dcEnd = (i + 1 == drawCalls.Count) ? int.MaxValue : drawCalls[i + 1].depthStart - 1; if (dcStart <= depth && dcEnd >= depth) { if (dc.baseMaterial == mat && dc.mainTexture == tex) { if (w.isVisible) { w.drawCall = dc; if (w.hasVertices) dc.isDirty = true; return dc; } } else mRebuild = true; if (mRebuild) { DebugShow(w); } return null; } } DebugShow(w); mRebuild = true; return null; } private void DebugShow(UIWidget w) { string path = ""; Transform t = w.transform; while(null != t) { path += t.transform.name + "/"; t = t.parent; } Debug.LogWarning("<color=white>" + path + "time:" + Time.time+ "</color>"); }
/// <summary> /// Update the widget's visibility and final alpha. /// </summary> public override void Invalidate (bool includeChildren) { mChanged = true; mAlphaFrameID = -1; if (panel != null) { bool vis = (hideIfOffScreen || panel.hasCumulativeClipping) ? panel.IsVisible(this) : true; <span >UpdateVisibility(CalculateCumulativeAlpha(Time.frameCount) > 0.001f</span>, vis); UpdateFinalAlpha(Time.frameCount); if (includeChildren) base.Invalidate(true); } }
2. 战斗界面 由技能倒计时、连击数等组成
1). 修改倒计时结束时候的label不隐藏,改为设置为空,设置的string 方法使用U3d内存优化UILabel使用String的问题 。
2). 对经常刷新的区域单独加UIPanel
3). 尽量减少对界面元素的显隐操作,以减少UIpanel的Rebuild过程,从而减少DrawCall
经测试 UIPanel的 Rebuild大量减少,尤其是飘字的。