您的任务是编写Python RE来识别HTML文本文件中的某些模式。将代码添加到STARTER脚本为这些模式编译RE(将它们分配给有意义的变量名称),并将这些RE应用于文件的每一行,打印出找到的匹配项。
1.编写识别HTML标签的模式,然后将其打印为“TAG:TAG string”(例如“TAG:b”代表标签)。为了简单起见,假设左括号和右括号每个标记的(<,>)将始终出现在同一行文本中。第一次尝试可能使regex“<.*>”其中“.”是与任何字符匹配的预定义字符类符号。尝试找出这一点,找出为什么这不是一个好的解决方案。编写一个更好的解决方案,解决这个问题
import sys, re
testRE = re.compile('(logic|sicstus)', re.I)
testI = re.compile('<[A-Za-z]>', re.I)
testO = re.compile('<[^/](\S*?)[^>]*>')
testC = re.compile('</(\S*?)[^>]*>')
with open('RGX_DATA.html') as infs:
linenum = 0
for line in infs:
linenum += 1
if line.strip() == '':
print(' ', '-' * 100, '[%d]' % linenum, '\n TEXT:', line, end='')
m = testRE.search(line)
if m:
print('** TEST-RE:', m.group(1))
mm = testRE.finditer(line)
for m in mm:
print('** TEST-RE:', m.group(1))
index= testI.finditer(line)
for i in index:
print('Tag:',i.group().replace('<', '').replace('>', ''))
open1= testO.finditer(line)
for m in open1:
print('opening:',m.group().replace('<', '').replace('>', ''))
close1= testC.finditer(line)
for n in close1:
print('closing:',n.group().replace('<', '').replace('>', ''))
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=8>
OPENTAG: table
PARAM: border=1
PARAM: cellspacing=0
PARAM: cellpadding=8
open1= testO.finditer(line)
for m in open1:
#print('opening:',m.group().replace('<', '').replace('>', ''))
firstm= m.group().replace('<', '').replace('>', '').split()
num = 0
for otherm in firstm:
if num == 0:
num+= 1
在正则表达式中,可以使用反向引用来指示匹配早期部分的子字符串,应再次出现正则表达式的。格式为\N(其中N为正整数),并返回到第N个匹配的文本正则表达式组。例如,正则表达式,如:r" (\w+) \1 仅当与组(\w+)完全匹配的字符串再次出现时才匹配 backref\1出现的位置。这可能与字符串“踢”匹配.例如,“the”出现两次。使用反向引用编写一个模式,当一行包含成对的open和关闭标签,例如在粗体中.
import sys, re
# PART 1:
# Key thing is to avoid matching strings that include
# multiple tags, e.g. treating '<p><b>' as a single
# tag. Can do this in several ways. Firstly, use
# non-greedy matching, so get shortest possible match
# including the two angle brackets:
tag = re.compile('</?(.*?)>')
# The above treats the '/' of a close tag as a separate
# optional component - so that this doesn't turn up as
# part of the match '.group(1)', which is meant to return
# the tag label.
# Following alternative solution uses a negated character
# class to explicitly prevent this including '>':
tag = re.compile('</?([^>]+)>')
# Finally, following version separates finding the tag
# label string from any (optional) parameters that might
# also appear before the close angle bracket:
tag = re.compile(r'</?(\w+\b)([^>]+)?>')
# Note that use of '\b' (as word boundary anchor) here means
# we must mark the regex string as a 'raw' string (r'..').
# PART 2:
# Following closeTag definition requires first first char
# after the open angle bracket to be '/', while openTag
# definition excludes this by requiring first char to be
# a 'word char' (\w):
openTag = re.compile(r'<(\w[^>]*)>')
closeTag = re.compile(r'</([^>]*)>')
# Following revised definitions are more carefully stated
# for correct extraction of tag label (separately from
# any parameters:
openTag = re.compile(r'<(\w+\b)([^>]+)?>')
closeTag = re.compile(r'</(\w+\b)\s*>')
# PART 3:
# Above openTag definition will already get the string
# encompassing any parameters, and return it as
# m.group(2), i.e. defn:
openTag = re.compile(r'<(\w+\b)([^>]+)?>')
# If assume that parameters are continuous non-whitespace
# chars separated by whitespace chars, then we can divide
# them up using split - and that's how we handle them
# here. (In reality, parameter strings can be a lot more
# messy than this, but we won't try to deal with that.)
# PART 4:
openCloseTagPair = re.compile(r'<(\w+\b)([^>]+)?>(.*?)</\1\s*>')
# Note use of non-greedy matching for the text falling
# *between* the open/close tag pair - to avoid false
# results where have two similar tag pairs on same line.
# This is quite tricky. The URL expressions in the file
# are of two kinds, of which the first is a string
# between double quotes ("..") which may include
# whitespace. For this case we might have a regex:
url = re.compile('href=("[^">]+")', re.I)
# The second case does not have quotes, and does not
# allow whitespace, consisting of a continuous sequence
# of non-whitespace material (that ends when you reach a
# space or close bracket '>'). This might be:
url = re.compile('href=([^">\s]+)', re.I)
# We can combine these two cases as follows, and still
# get the expression back as group(1):
url = re.compile(r'href=("[^">]+"|[^">\s]+)', re.I)
# Note that I've done nothing here to exclude 'mailto:'
# links as being accepted as URLS.
with open('RGX_DATA.html') as infs:
linenum = 0
for line in infs:
linenum += 1
if line.strip() == '':
print(' ', '-' * 100, '[%d]' % linenum, '\n TEXT:', line, end='')
# PART 1: find HTML tags
# (The following uses 'finditer' to find ALL matches
# within the line)
mm = tag.finditer(line)
for m in mm:
print('** TAG:', m.group(1), ' + [%s]' % m.group(2))
# PART 2,3: find open/close tags (+ params of open tags)
mm = openTag.finditer(line)
for m in mm:
print('** OPENTAG:', m.group(1))
if m.group(2):
for param in m.group(2).split():
print(' PARAM:', param)
mm = closeTag.finditer(line)
for m in mm:
print('** CLOSETAG:', m.group(1))
# PART 4: find open/close tag pairs appearing on same line
mm = openCloseTagPair.finditer(line)
for m in mm:
print("** PAIR [%s]: \"%s\"" % (m.group(1), m.group(3)))
# PART 5: find URLs:
mm = url.finditer(line)
for m in mm:
print('** URL:', m.group(1))
# PART 6: Strip out HTML tags (note that .sub will do all
# possible substitutions, unless number is limited by count
# keyword arg - which is fortunately what we want here)
stripped = tag.sub('', line)
print('** STRIPPED:', stripped, end = '')
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